
Showing posts from March, 2018

Decisions, Decisions...

I reckon a few months have passed since my previous blog update. I can only apologise because the delay in posting stemmed from my frustratingly incompetent ability to remember passwords for accounts... I tried for weeks to renew my blog account password and I repeatedly got replies stating that they could not verify that it was my account. Reluctantly, I started up another blog but then it wouldn't accept my details either... This is when I was browsing through my old phone, deleting all the content in order to sell it, that I came across my old account, associated with an email address that I had long forgotten, and that fixed everything!! But only after a few days of technical trying and failing on my part... So anyway, back to my wonderful life in Nepal! PS. I wrote the first half about three months ago, so a lot has changed since... In November 2017, we had an Activity Week in school, during which, I was teaching every day from 8.10 to 11.30 and then I had planning time w...